Saturday 24 March 2018

Iq option auto trading software

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IQ Option Autotrader: Handelskonditionen 2017 im Überblick.

Kann man bei IQ Option Autotrader Funktionen nutzen und was ist Autotrading überhaupt? Diesen Fragen gehen wir im nachfolgenden Artikel auf den Grund und stellen Ihnen die Handelskonditionen von IQ Option vor. Auch befassen wir uns ein wenig genauer mit dem Gesamtangebot des Brokers und beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen zum Trading bei diesem Anbieter des Binäroptionshandels.

Fatos rápidos Zum Broker IQ Option.

Es gibt keine IQ Opção Autotrader Angebote Gute Rahmenbedingungen für den selbständigen Handel mit binären Optionen Recht große Auswahl an Basiswerten und auch der Bitcoin ist handelbar Einandehlungen sind bereits ab 10 EUR / USD / GBP möglich Ein Trade lässt sich bereits ab einem Euro platzieren Einzahlungsboni für Neu - und Bestandskunden Leistungsstarke Handelsplattform para comerciante Unbegrenztes Demokonto mit 1.500 Dollar Startguthaben.

Opção de opção Jetzt direkt Binäre Optionen bei IQ.

IQ Option Autotrader? Was is möglich? O robô comercial ist ein? Wir stellen automatisierten Handel vor Verbraucher Checkliste: FAQs zum Trading-Angebot des Brokers Weitere Angebote bei IQ Opção Fazit: Automatisch handeln ist bei IQ Option nicht möglich.

IQ Option Autotrader? Was is möglich?

Der Broker IQ Option bietet keine Möglichkeiten für automatisiertes Trading e wer bei IQ Option automatisch handeln will, wird enttäuscht werden. Oportunidades da empresa de Opções Broker Sehr Gute Handelsbedingungen, wenn man selbständig binäre Optionen traden will. Vor allem die morre Trading-Plattform kann im direkten Vergleich überzeugen, denn obgleich sie speziell für binäre Optionen entwickelt wurde, kommt sie mit einer Vielzahl von Analyse-Tools daher.

Die mehrfach ausgezeichnete Handelsplattform von IQ Option.

Die technische Analyse ist beispielsweise möglich und dabei kann homem sowohl selber im Chart zeichnen als auch bestimme Indikatoren verwenden. Weiterhin kann man sich die besten Trader samt Performance anzeigen lassen oder bei IQ Option Signale zu einigen Märkten anzeigen lassen. Eine Order ist sehr schnell platziert und bei der Ausführung gibt es keine Verzögerungen.

Trader werden vor alem die unkomplizierte Handhabung zu schätzen wissen sowie morrer Tatsache, dass die Orientierung schon nach kurzer Zeit gelingt und sich auch Tutoriais aufrufen lassen, in denen die Nutzung ganz genau erklärt wird. Ein Demokonto gibt es auch und dieses bietet größtenteils gute Rahmenbedingungen. Livekurse sind verfügbar, es stehen alle Funktionen der Trading-Anwendung zur Verfügung und einzig die Auswahl der handelbaren Basiswerte ist eingeschränkt und es stehen einige Assets zur Verfügung.

Unsere Recherche, visualização de software, habilitação automática, opção de IQ, sistema de segurança e distribuição de dados. Es sind Tools zur technischen Analise ebenso wie zahlreiche Personalisierungsmöglichkeiten vorhanden und man kann die Handelsanwendung auch via Demokonto austesten.

O robô comercial ist ein? Wir stellen automatisierten Handel vor.

Bei Trading Robots handelt es sich um Programa, die den Handel automatisch ausführen und und Anleger sehr viel Arbeit und zeitlichen Aufwand ersparen können. Autotrading ist bei vielen Anlegern beliebt und es ist gar nicht so schwer, wie es sich zunächst anhören mag. Beim Autotrading führen speziell dafür entwickelte Systeme automatische Handelsentscheidungen aus und zwar nach den vom Nutzer definierten Signalen.

Diese Signale kann man entweder selbst festlegen und dabei bestimmte Indikatoren zugrundelegen oder man entscheidet sich für vordefinierte Vorlagen. Sind alle Eckpunkte festgelegt, kann sich der Nutzer zurücklehnen und den Robots die Arbeit überlassen. Solche automatischen Methoden lassen sich übrigens auch mittels sogenanntem Backtesting anwenden und optimieren. Dabei werden die Methoden auf die Marktentwicklungen der letzten Handelstage angewandt und man kann gute Einsicht über die Performance der Methode erhalten und ggf. nachbessern.

Robots sind Programa, die automatisches Trading ermöglichen. Der Nutzer definiert Handelssignale und kann die individuelle Methode mittels Backtesting anwenden und optimieren. Automatisierter Handel kann dem Trader viel Arbeit und Zeit ersparen und lässt sich mit wenig Aufwand erlernen.

Verbraucher Checkliste: FAQs zum Trading-Angebot des Brokers.

Welche technischen Indikatoren kann ich bei der Handelssoftware finden?

Insgesamt kann der Nutzer aus vier Indikatoren auswählen und dabei handelt es sich hum: Média em Movimento, Bollinger Bänder, Alligator und der Índice de Força Relativa.

Kann ich bei IQ Option ein Demokonto nutzen?

Ja, bei IQ Option kann man die Webplattform auch in der Testversion ausprobieren und zwar auf unbegrenzte Zeit. Das Testkonto wird mit einem startguthaben von 1.500 Dollar aufgeladen und man kann einige Ativos com virtuellem Kapital handeln.

Opção de opção Jetzt direkt Binäre Optionen bei IQ.

Welche Basiswerte kann ich bei IQ Option handeln?

Zahlreiche Underlyings aus Anlageklassen sind handelbar und dazu gehören internationale Aktien, die wichtigsten weltweiten Indices, morreu em busca de Währungspaare und Rohstoffe com Gold und Silber.

Bekomme ich bei IQ Option eine Zusatzleistung für meine Einzahlung?

Ja, sowohl morre Ersteinzahlung als auch für jede weitere Kontokapitalisierung wird man als Kunde von IQ Option belohnt. Dabei gilt eine gestaffelte Zusatzleistung zwischen 25 Prozent und 100 Prozent und die Obergrenze ist bei 20,000 Euro angesetzt.

Welche Zahlungsmethoden kann ich nutzen?

BankingBuberweisungen gehören zu den vorhandenen Zahlmethoden bei IQ Option ebenso wie Kreditkarten und die Sofortüberweisung. Weiterhin kann der Kunde unter anderem eWallets com Skrill ou Neteller nutzen. Einzahlungen bei den meisten Payment-Methoden innerhalb weniger Minuten abgeschlossen. Einzig die Banküberweisung kann bis zu fünf Werktage in Anspruch nehmen.

Weitere Angebote bei IQ Option.

Als Trader kann man gute IQ Option Erfahrungen machen. Es gibt mehrere Bereich, em denen sich der Broker auszeichnet, aber zu den wohl wichtigsten gehören die niedrigen Mindesteinsätze, die für den Handel erforderlich sind. Bereits ab einem Euro kann ein Trade platziert werden. Damit kann man Erfahrungen sammeln und nach Lust und Laune ausprobieren. Apropos ausprobieren: Ein Demokonto gibt es bei IQ Option auch und zwar auf unbegrenzte Zeit. Ein solches Angebot ist bei Binäroptionen Brokern selten und da können wir auch verschmerzen, dass in der Demoversion nur wenige Basiswerte handelbar sind.

Auch ein Demokonto steht zur Verfügung.

Kommen wir zurück zu den niedrigen Kapitalanforderungen. Auch für die Kontokapitalisierung werden keine hohen Beträge fällig und ab 10 EUR / USD / GBP können Einzahlungen vorgenommen werden. Besondere Augenmerk wollen wir auf den IQ Option Extracode legen. Sowohl Neu - als auch Bestandskunden können sich für jede ihrer Einzahlungen einen Willkommensextra von bis zu 100 Prozent und bis zu einem Maximalbetrag von 20.000 Euro sichern. Bereits bei der Mindesteinzahlung wird das Guthaben gewährt und bei so niedrigen Beträgen liegt morre Zusatzleistung bei 25 Prozent. Die Renditen (* Beträge, die dem Account im Falle eines erfolgreichen Trades gutgeschrieben werden) des Brokers sind ebenfalls herausragend und belaufen sich auf bis zu 92 Prozent.

Trading ist bei IQ Option bereits ab einem Euro möglich. Die Mindesteinzahlung liegt bei 10 EUR / USD / GBP e Beim Handel Renditen von bis zu 92 Prozent möglich. IQ Option gewährt außerdem Einzahlungsboni für Neu - und Bestandskunden sowie ein zeitlich unbegrenztes Demokonto.

Fazit: Automatisch handeln ist bei IQ Option nicht möglich.

Wer bei IQ Option handelt, kann morre nur auf eigene Faust und ohne Hilfe von automatischen Handelssystemen. Bei IQ Option wird klassisches Trading com binären Optionen angeboten und Trader werden sich über die Handelskonditionen freuen. Então kann man bereits mit einem Euro in den Handel einsteigen und muss nur zehn Euro für die Kontokapitalisierung erbringen. Die Renditen sind sehr großzügig und belaufen sich auf bis zu 92 Prozent. Überzeugen kann vor allem auch die Trading-Anwendung und diese bietet eine unkomplizierte Handhabung und zugleich eine umfangreiche Paleta e funktionen für eine effiziente Kursanalyse. Die Webplattform ist auch in der Demoversion verfügbar und das Binäre Optionen Testkonto steht auf unbegrenzte Zeit zur Nutzung bereit. Lernen auch Sie den Handel bei IQ Opção kennen und nutzen Sie die attraktiven Rahmenbedingungen, die der Broker bietet.

Opção de opção Jetzt direkt Binäre Optionen bei IQ.

Noch mehr interessante Beiträge für Sie aus unserer Redaktion:

Risikowarnung: Ihr Kapital könnte gefährdet werden.

Risikowarnung: Ihr Kapital könnte gefährdet werden.

Opções binárias Robot Trading.

Não é impossível dominar o comércio de opções binárias e, como qualquer outra coisa, quanto mais você colocou, mais você vai sair. É lógico que quanto mais você estudar os mercados, familiarize-se com os vários ativos e aprenda mais habilidades, o investimento mais fácil se tornará. Para se tornar realmente bom em ganhar dinheiro, você precisará de um bom corretor, tempo e alguma paciência. Para algumas pessoas que investem esse tempo não é uma opção e você nunca pode alcançar seu verdadeiro potencial.

Entre nos robôs! Não nos referimos a máquinas físicas que se sentarão no seu computador e trocarão por você, mas as opções binárias de robôs que são parte do software pré-programado. Este software usa algoritmos matemáticos complexos para examinar dados de mercado e, em seguida, usa esses dados para negociar com resultados altamente rentáveis ​​e de baixo risco.

Diferentes corretores permitem o uso de software robô diferente e, uma vez que você abriu uma conta, você poderá visualizar todas as corretoras compatíveis para esse provedor. Você não precisa se preocupar com quem escolher. Nós fizemos o trabalho duro para você e recomendamos corretores com base em quem oferece as melhores experiências comerciais.

Quer saber mais sobre o uso de robôs de negociação binária? Nosso guia especializado explicará:

O que são as opções binárias de robôs de negociação e como eles analisam os mercados Os benefícios do uso de software automatizado para tomar decisões para você Como você pode começar a usar vários provedores de robô para fazer melhores negócios.

Nossos principais robôs recomendados.

Como os robôs binários funcionam.

Simplesmente, o software de negociação de robô é algo que você baixa para o seu computador ou outro dispositivo, uma vez registrado com um corretor. Um download nem sempre é necessário, às vezes você pode simplesmente começar a usá-los on-line através de um site. O investimento usando este método é conhecido como automação ou negociação automática e é usado por aqueles que querem liberar seu tempo e aumentar sua taxa de sucesso.

Como qualquer computador, a capacidade de pesquisar, consumir e analisar dados é muito maior do que a mente humana para que a máquina possa processar todos os dados muito mais rápido do que qualquer ser humano sem emoção ou instinto. Ao usar este processo, mais informações são reunidas em um ritmo muito mais rápido, permitindo negócios mais efetivos e lucrativos. A capacidade de comércio se torna muito mais e o número de negócios bem sucedidos aumenta.

Por que, então, ninguém gostaria de aproveitar esta ajuda? Para começar a usar o software de negociação automática, você só precisa escolher um serviço compatível com seu corretor e simplesmente começar a usá-lo. Para ajudá-lo a escolher o seu fornecedor, pesquisamos centenas de pessoas em todo o mundo para oferecer o melhor e oferecer nossos conselhos sobre quem você deve negociar, economizando tempo e esforço.

Benefícios da automação.

Economize tempo valioso. Os robôs comerciais binários têm uma capacidade de informação muito maior do que o cérebro humano. Execute trades mais bem-sucedidos. A coleta de tantos dados torna o comércio mais informado Comércio sem qualquer emoção. Remova o elemento "instinto instável" Permite que você continue com outras coisas. Você não precisa passar tanto tempo na frente de um computador ou no seu telefone e pode continuar com sua vida enquanto ainda ganha dinheiro. Menos conhecimentos necessários. Você não precisa estudar os mercados, as tendências, os recursos, etc., ou se tornar um especialista para ser bem-sucedido. É grátis ou de baixo custo usar uma vez registrado com um corretor e nem sempre exige um download Faça mais dinheiro. Mais sucesso = maiores lucros Teste-os com uma conta virtual ou de demonstração Qualquer pessoa em qualquer nível pode usá-los, seja novato ou especialista em opções binárias.

Há, infelizmente, alguns "robôs fraudulentos", o objetivo é basicamente evitar o dinheiro do investidor e eles simplesmente não funcionam. Há sinais indicando que devem soar sinos de alarme para saber se um serviço é legítimo ou não. Estes não incluem detalhes de contato para suporte ao cliente, revisões consistentemente ruins, um curto tempo de operação e apenas alguns recursos disponíveis.

Últimos negócios vencedores.

Como o software economiza tempo.

O simples pensamento de baixar, instalar ou configurar um programa de software pode deixar você sentir que é mais demorado e complicado do que realmente é. Na verdade, você ficará surpreso com o quão simples é e quanto tempo você vai economizar a longo prazo. Aqui estão alguns passos simples que terão você negociando automaticamente em pouco tempo.

Escolha um Serviço de Robô.

Enquanto você pode passar horas realizando pesquisa procurando o melhor comerciante de robôs, você provavelmente não tem tempo para. É aí que nossa lista de serviços recomendados irá economizar muito tempo que você pode gastar na negociação. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é escolher aquele para você.

Faça o download do software.

Muitos corretores ou provedores de software exigirão que você baixe o software. Em um celular, isso pode ser tão simples como baixar o aplicativo. Você pode acessar algum software de negociação de robôs através de um navegador.

Programe o software.

Não queremos dizer que você precisa ser um programador para operar o software, mas você precisa dizer o que deseja. Defina seus parâmetros que incluirão seus limites de investimento, freqüência etc., então deixe o resto no robô.

Sente-se, relaxe e aproveite.

É isso aí. Agora você está negociando sem fazer nada. Você pode continuar com seu negócio e deixar o resto para o robô. Basta verificar de vez em quando para ver como seus negócios estão sendo feitos e redefinir os parâmetros, se você precisar.

Agora, se você pensou que havia mais do que isso e nossa lista de dicas seria muito mais longa, você ficará agradavelmente surpreendido ao saber que o acima é realmente tudo o que há para isso. Você pode fazer o seu negócio enquanto o programa é comercializado por você. Você pode trabalhar, sair com amigos e até mesmo dormir tudo enquanto a ferramenta está ocupada em seu nome.

Usar um robô binário também remove a ansiedade que você pode obter da negociação. Quando você coloca uma troca com um tempo de expiração de uma hora, às vezes, ver o que está acontecendo pode colocar o comerciante através de uma série de emoções. Ao usar isso, você pode fazer check-in de vez em quando para ver como você está fazendo, em vez de ser colado na tela para cada comércio.

Nossos pensamentos finais.

Alguns infelizes investidores nem sempre conseguem detectar fraudes on-line e podem perder muito dinheiro quando deveriam estar fazendo isso. Antes de perceberem que há algo de errado, eles já poderiam ter feito muitos negócios. Há coisas para procurar tentar evitar que isso aconteça, mas recomendamos usar nossos conselhos e recomendações para garantir que você se registre com um serviço de software de robôs binários confiável e respeitável que possa lhe oferecer a melhor e mais lucrativa experiência comercial.

Realizamos inúmeras avaliações de robôs de opções binárias e descobrimos que elas eram uma solução sólida se você quiser negociar sem ter que dedicar todo seu tempo a pesquisa e análise. Se você gosta do elemento físico de negociação, estudando os mercados, analisando e colocando seus negócios, então você quer continuar fazendo o trabalho sozinho, mas se quiser liberar um valioso tempo, esta é a solução. Os robôs removem a emoção e as decisões são baseadas em fatos e dados, não instinto. Este é um dos principais motivos para usá-los.

Nós tentamos, testamos e revisamos os vários tipos de software e sabemos quais as empresas que oferecem a melhor experiência de troca de robôs binários e que o software supera os outros. Acreditamos que investir aplicativos são uma ótima maneira de economizar tempo e ganhar dinheiro e ajudá-lo na sua busca a tornar-se um comerciante de opções binário melhor. Nosso conselho e recomendações são projetados para que isso aconteça.

Revisões Expert Robot.

Páginas mais populares.

O software robô é confiável e confiável?

Como muitos aspectos de uma negociação, a confiabilidade de seus serviços depende da confiabilidade de uma empresa em geral. Se você escolher um fornecedor recomendado e respeitável, seus serviços serão testados, testados e confiáveis. Existem empresas que não são confiáveis, assim como existem alguns aspectos do investimento on-line que não podem ser confiáveis. Todas as nossas recomendações são baseadas em pesquisas e revisões de nossa própria experiência e descobertas.

Eles podem realmente prever os bons negócios para fazer?

Esta é uma boa pergunta, porque mesmo as máquinas não conseguem prever o futuro, ninguém pode. O que eles podem fazer é analisar dados, tendências e outros aspectos para encontrar informações mais confiáveis ​​e informadas do que você poderia se reunir. Levaria horas e horas para encontrar todos os dados que o software pode fazer em segundos. Realmente não há como vencer o sistema, mas essas ferramentas podem ajudar a tornar seus negócios mais lucrativos.

Preciso pagar dinheiro para um bom software?

Não, há um software de robô de opções binárias perfeitamente bom que é gratuito para download e uso. Para a maior parte, você precisará fazer o download antes de abrir uma conta com um corretor. O software de robô de opções binárias com classificação máxima é de uso gratuito. Você também pode testar os programas com sua conta de demonstração, o que significa que você pode obter uma experiência real do melhor que tem para oferecer antes de gastar qualquer dinheiro próprio em negócios.

E se meu negociante de robô entenda errado?

Mesmo com ferramentas de investimento sofisticadas, não garante que você tenha 100% de sucesso. O robô apenas melhora as chances de fazer negócios bem sucedidos. Ainda haverá momentos em que o software fica errado. Ninguém pode prever o que os mercados irão fazer e o que acontecerá ter um impacto ou influenciar os diferentes ativos disponíveis para o comércio.

Como encontro o melhor software para usar?

Isso é fácil. Você simplesmente analisa nossas recomendações e selecione alguns da nossa lista para verificar por si mesmo. Baseamos todas as nossas descobertas em nossa própria experiência, testes e pesquisas. Nós apenas prevemos serviços aos quais estamos felizes de colocar o nosso nome. Todos os corretores e serviços que recomendamos são cuidadosamente revisados ​​e testados e examinamos tudo o que o provedor tem para oferecer para garantir que sua experiência comercial seja o melhor que pode ser.

Nosso melhor robô recomendado.

Páginas relacionadas.

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Copyright © 2018 - BinaryOptionsExpert.

Aviso de Risco: os produtos financeiros oferecidos pelas empresas listadas neste site possuem alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

* Montante a ser creditado apenas por um investimento bem sucedido.

Análise Automatizada de Software de Negociação de Opções.

Ao longo dos últimos anos, houve algumas inovações na indústria de opções binárias, essas inovações visam tornar a negociação mais fácil e menos tediosa. Uma dessas inovações é o software de negociação automática ou o robô de opções binárias, como são comumente conhecidos. Esses robôs de opções binárias são programados para fazer análises técnicas, criar sinais de opção e executar trades mais rapidamente e com mais precisão do que qualquer sistema humano, sem que o comerciante tenha que deixar seu assento ou olhar. Infelizmente, a maioria dos super-hyped e promissores são golpes abertos apenas interessados ​​em tornar sua carteira mais leve. No entanto, há alguns bons e legítimos, os muitos golpes deram ao software de negociação de automóveis um nome tão ruim que os comerciantes não sabem o que acreditar e o que ficar longe, muitos até juraram os robôs comerciais completamente. É nosso dever informá-lo, para que você possa tomar decisões informadas (veja o que fiz lá?) E mantenha seu dinheiro por mais tempo. Esta revisão aprofunda o Robô de opção e apresenta tudo o que você precisa saber. Não há revestimento de açúcar. Sem preconceitos.

Como o robô de opção binária pode mudar sua vida? Veja isso!


Como Ganhar Dinheiro com Robô de Opção Binária.

Robôs superiores da opção binária na Ucrânia.

Reivindique seu robô de opção binária grátis, comece com três etapas fáceis:

Nome do Robot Min. Investimento min. Classificação de Depósito.

1. O seu Robô de opção binária irá analisar o mercado e decidir, qual ativo (moedas, índices, commodities e ações), é correto para o comércio nesse momento.

2. O Robô da Opção Binária Preditará o Movimento de Preços.

Seu robô avaliará uma ampla gama de fatores e, em seguida, fará uma previsão de como o preço dos ativos se moverá, dizendo: Chamar (para cima) se acreditar que o preço aumentará e Coloque (para baixo), se acreditar que o preço cairá .

3. Decida quanto você quer investir.

Então você precisa decidir o quanto você deseja investir na mercadoria e quando esse investimento expirar.

4. Recolher os seus ganhos.

Finalmente, você coleciona seus ganhos (a parte boa!)

Obtenha o software de negociação de robôs de opção automatizada gratuitamente clicando no botão abaixo e saiba como você pode ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Software de negociação de opções automatizado: Robô de opção.

Software de troca automática de opções do robô.

Option Robot foi recentemente lançado software de negociação automatizado projetado e desenvolvido por comerciantes experientes com vasta experiência em Forex, opções binárias e negociação de derivativos. É desenvolvido com o objetivo de ajudar os comerciantes a tirar o máximo proveito de suas negociações com pouco esforço ou experiência necessária. Option Robot oferece sinais de negociação com taxas vencedoras de até 83% e os melhores intermediários de opções binárias (como IQ Option) no mundo para escolher. É um software baseado na Web gratuito, o que significa que nenhum download é necessário e oferece recursos totalmente personalizáveis ​​que dão ao comerciante o controle final sobre o que o software faz. Todos esses fatores combinados aumentaram a popularidade do Option Robot, tornando-o um dos sistemas de software de negociação de automóveis mais preferidos do mundo, mesmo acima do software mais antigo e mais estabelecido. É muito lamentável que os comerciantes dos EUA não estejam sendo aceitos atualmente, mas os desenvolvedores garantiram que os planos estão em andamento para incluir um corretor baseado nos EUA no futuro próximo.

Licenciamento e Autorização.

Até o momento, não existe um órgão regulatório ou de licenciamento para o software de negociação automática, que é o principal motivo pelo qual os fraudes e criminosos se infiltraram no mercado e podem enganar os comerciantes com impunidade. O Robot de Opção não está regulado sob nenhuma jurisdição, mas isso não significa que seja uma fraude, quase todos os corretores no site são regulados, alguns até por dois órgãos reguladores, como o renomado CySEC de Chipre e a FCA do Reino Unido. Portanto, o segredo aqui não é verificar as licenças da Option Robot, mas escolher o seu corretor com cuidado porque, afinal, é o corretor com quem vai depositar o seu dinheiro.

Como muitos corretores e software, Option Robot não está legalmente autorizado a aceitar clientes dos Estados Unidos. Isso ocorre porque eles não estão registrados e licenciados pela Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), pois isso não é uma caminhada no parque é bastante compreensível.

Recursos do Sistema de Robot de Opção.

O Robot de Opção, sendo o software, não tem plataforma de negociação própria, em vez disso, usa os usados ​​por seus corretores compatíveis, que vão do SpotOption popular ao TradeSmarter novo e cativante. Continuando, há muito mais para Option Robot que atraiu a nossa atenção, incluindo:

Enquanto os corretores do sistema Option Robot podem ter diversos índices de ativos, o robô só executa negócios em pares de moedas (como EUR / GBP, EUR / USD, USD / CAD e GBP / USD). Neste caso, o software prevê para você qual das moedas fornecidas irá superar o outro no final do período de negociação. Os pares de moedas são um grande tipo de ativos por conta própria, mas sentimos que o site atrairia um público mais amplo se o índice de ativos fosse diversificado para incluir commodities, ações e principais índices mundiais.


Existem seis indicadores diferentes que são usados ​​para gerar sinais para a execução comercial. Um comerciante pode escolher um, dois ou mesmo todos os indicadores, dependendo da qualidade de sinal desejada. Os indicadores são:

Trend & # 8211; Como o nome indica, este indicador analisa o movimento geral dos preços no mercado. Se a tendência geral for uma tendência de baixa que exige uma opção "colocar", o indicador gera um sinal de "colocar" e o mesmo se aplica a um sinal de "chamada". 1 RSI & # 8211; Também conhecido como índice de força relativa, o RSI é basicamente um oscilador ondulado entre 0 e 100 com níveis extremos acima de 70 e abaixo de 30. Para níveis acima de 70, as condições de mercado são sobrecompra e o preço provavelmente diminuirá, portanto, um "colocar "O sinal é gerado. Os níveis de 30 e abaixo indicam condições de sobrevenda com uma alta probabilidade de um movimento ascendente de preço, assim, um sinal de "chamada" é produzido. O indicador de RSI é muito popular e amplamente utilizado em mercados de bolsa e de ações, foi introduzido em opções binárias há apenas alguns anos. 2 Williams & # 8211; Este indicador, inventado por Larry Williams, é muito semelhante ao design e ao conceito geral para o RSI e é fácil confundir os dois. O indicador Williams também é um oscilador variando de 0 a 100 com níveis de sobrecompra em 80 e níveis de sobrevenda a 20 e abaixo. Normalmente, os níveis acima de 80 mostram o preço máximo e os compradores não continuarão comprando ao mesmo preço e, portanto, o preço cairá. A melhor opção aqui é a opção "colocar". Nos níveis de sobrevenda, os vendedores estão esgotados, com o preço mais provável de subir, portanto, uma opção de "chamada". 3.

MACD & # 8211; Em termos de divergência de convergência de médias móveis, este indicador compara as semelhanças e diferenças entre duas ou mais médias móveis e seu comportamento passado para chegar a um sinal. Uma alta precisão geralmente é alcançada quando este indicador é usado ao lado do indicador de tendência. 4 Stoch & # 8211; Isso é curto para o oscilador estocástico que foi inventado pelo Dr. George Lane, especialmente para o comércio forex, mas quem disse que não podemos usá-lo em opções binárias também? Sendo um oscilador, esse indicador se move entre 0 a 100 para determinar o ímpeto e a velocidade do preço em relação ao mesmo recurso durante um determinado período de tempo. 5 CCI & # 8211; O índice do canal de mercadorias é um oscilador que varia entre 100 + e -100 na determinação dos movimentos de preços. Geralmente, as tendências fortes (as acima de 100) indicam um aumento contínuo do preço que exigirá um sinal de "chamada", enquanto as tendências fracas (abaixo de -100) mostram flutuações, assim um sinal de "colocação" é produzido. No entanto, isso não significa que o preço só pode avançar acima de 100 e abaixo de -100, o que acontece principalmente é que os níveis de preços tendem a variar entre 100 e -100 com o mercado ajustando-se rapidamente a tal. 6.

Os indicadores produzem sinais de sua própria análise, que é então transmitida para o software de negociação a uma velocidade leve para executar o comércio. Note-se que isso só acontece no software de negociação automática e é o principal fator distintivo entre negociação manual e automática. Na negociação manual, os sinais são enviados diretamente ao comerciante através de texto, e-mail ou outro meio especificado e o comerciante decide o que e quando trocar, às vezes os sinais podem ser inválidos no momento em que o comércio é inserido, o que leva a uma perda. Então, como comerciante, você precisa ter certeza da validade e do prazo de validade do sinal que você deseja usar para evitar entrar no comércio de maneira errada e assim perder seu investimento.

Alguns dos sinais recentes.

Outra coisa importante a observar é que Option Robot tem uma excelente maneira de garantir que os sinais produzidos sejam tão precisos quanto possível. Se tiverem sido selecionados dois (ou mais) indicadores, ambos tiveram que dar o mesmo resultado de sinal para que um sinal seja gerado e enviado ao próprio software de negociação. Isto significa que, se você, por exemplo, selecionou o RSI e os indicadores de tendência, para que um sinal de "colocação" seja gerado ambos terão de indicar o mesmo que "colocar". O mesmo vale para uma opção de "chamada". Caso contrário, para sinais contrastantes, nenhum sinal é gerado e, consequentemente, nenhum comércio é inserido. Esta é uma ótima maneira de garantir que os sinais sejam de alta precisão com pouca margem de erro e mantenha a taxa vencedora em 83% ou mais.

Corretores compatíveis.

Uma ótima coisa sobre o Option Robot é que eles têm muito a oferecer em termos de corretores, e não é tudo sobre quantidade, todos os corretores aqui são tentados, testados e comprovados como líderes de mercado à sua maneira. A lista de corretores compatíveis a partir da qual você poderá escolher inclui:

OptionXo Banc de Binário.

StockPair CherryTrade.

Opção Tradorax grande.

Binary Tilt Binary Book.

A lista continua e continua, para a lista completa, visite o site. Simplificando, estes são alguns dos corretores melhores e mais populares em todo o mundo, com corretores como o Banc de Binário e o OptionsXO que estiveram no jogo há quase oito anos. Sites como Tradorax e StockPair estão aumentando também e ganharam muita popularidade no curto período de tempo que estiveram. Seja como for, o caráter verdadeiro é refletido pela empresa que você mantém, ou então eles dizem, e aqui podemos dizer com confiança que o Options Robot está em boa companhia.

Sistemas de negociação.

As mentes geniais por trás do Robô Opcional foram projetadas e dotadas de três sistemas de gerenciamento de bankroll para lhe dar controle sobre seus investimentos e o grau de riscos que você está exposto. Esses sistemas, que iremos chamar de sistemas de negociação conforme o site, não são novos e não são apresentados como tais. Os comerciantes com algum fundo em Forex ou negociação de ações podem ter encontrado esses, ou sistemas muito semelhantes.

Sistema clássico.

O sistema clássico é o sistema mais simples e seguro de todos, e não é surpresa que a maioria dos robôs de opções binárias usem esse sistema. Geralmente com este sistema, o montante investido em todos os negócios é constante, seja o comércio um comércio vencedor ou um comércio perdedor. Você não pode perder ou ganhar mais do que você investiu. Para comerciantes mais velhos e mais bem estabelecidos, este é o sistema a ser escolhido.

Sistema Martingale.

Este sistema possui o maior potencial de lucro, mas também possui os maiores riscos e é principalmente recomendado para pessoas com bolsos profundos. Com este sistema, se o seu primeiro comércio foi uma vitória, o mesmo valor é investido no próximo comércio e assim por diante. Se, por outro lado, expirasse para fora do dinheiro, o investimento para o próximo comércio é duplicado. Se esse comércio também é uma perda, o investimento é duplicado novamente para o próximo comércio. Isso continua até que os lucros sejam realizados, o que é uma questão de sorte.

O Sistema Fibonacci.

Este é o sistema mais técnico, mas também o mais preciso. Ele segue a seqüência do número Fibonacci onde cada número consecutivo é derivado adicionando os dois números anteriores. O valor do investimento para uma troca é determinado pelo anterior, se fosse uma vitória, o valor é reduzido de novo para a figura original. Em caso de perda, a quantidade continua aumentando conforme a seqüência até atingir um sucesso.

Outras características.

Option Robot oferece aos seus comerciantes uma conta de demonstração, e eles deveriam. Basicamente, uma conta de demonstração é uma conta idêntica em design e recursos para os outros tipos de contas reais e está envolvida na negociação, tal como uma conta real. No entanto, com uma conta demo, você não precisa depositar dinheiro real e, portanto, você está exposto a riscos zero. Devido a isso, as contas de demonstração são muito apreciadas especialmente por novos comerciantes e, também, em grande parte, comerciantes que desejam experimentar uma nova plataforma de negociação ou software como Option Robot. A presença de uma conta demo aqui e todas as oportunidades de aprendizagem que ela apresenta, sem dúvida, atrai comerciantes de todas as divisões.

No entanto, não é tão livre quanto parecer. O fato é que o Robô de opções não quer que você saiba isso, pois será ruim para os negócios, você só pode acessar a conta demo se você tiver aberto uma conta com Option Robot e um de seus vários corretores afiliados. Um revestimento escuro para uma idéia aparentemente brilhante. No entanto, inscrever-se é gratuito e você não precisa fazer nenhum depósito para obter acesso para que não o pareça se quiser experimentar o software.

Desapontantemente, existem maneiras limitadas de entrar em contato e obter assistência do atendimento ao cliente. As consultas por e-mail podem ser enviadas para contato @ optionrobot e um agente de atendimento ao cliente examinará seu inquérito ou reclamação e voltará para você 'em breve'. Você sabe muito bem o que isso geralmente significa. The other way is to fill the contact form to be found on the site and include your contact details to enable support to get in touch. And that’s all. Well, except that you are advised to first check the FAQ section for the answers before sending the email or completing the form, this is due to the “large number” of emails they receive per day which may force you to wait some time to get a reply. Hearing this, you can’t help but think if only there were other means to get in touch like a phone number or live chat the number of email would drop.

Educational materials, or lack thereof.

Being for the most part a signal provider and trading system, it would be unfair to burden Option Robot with the responsibility of promoting education to their clients. This is the duty of the brokers, no doubt. However, Option Robot is a new robot and not much is known about its trading process and how to get the best out of it. We expected to find several videos, eBooks and tutorials with more information on auto trading in general and the operations of Option Robot in particular, but we got very little of that. Apart from a semi active blog and the mandatory FAQ section, Option Robot have close to nothing to offer you in terms of education, you are far better Googling information on your own.

Pros and cons of using the Option Robot software.

The following are the reasons or features that make Option Robot great software you should try:

One of the ways to know a real and professional broker, especially in the murky waters of binary options, is by having a look at their website. Looking through Option Robot’s site, everything appears nice and well placed. For one there are no (stolen) photos showing moneyed individuals or anything to that effect, which is probably for the best. We all know that most of these pictures are stock images of random people or photoshopped celebrity images picked from some gossip e-mag. Everything on Option Robot’s site is put forward in a clear manner and all the tabs are such that you won’t spend extra effort getting to what you want. There it not a lot of information but at least Option Robot made the effort and took the time to make their site client friendly and decent, and in all honesty effort is always rewarded.

If you look through most of the binary options brokerage sites available, you will note one common feature on a large number of them – promises of making lots of cash per day, going as high as $1500 per day. Clearly, that’s ridiculous. As a matter of fact, if that was true we would see an influx of people to binary options and even have one or several legit millionaires who made their millions through trading. The fact that none of that has happened yet shows that all those promises don’t hold any water, and judging by their simple promotional approach Option Robot knows this. The site is admirably short on promises, which we know are false anyway, and instead focuses on how the trader can utilize the system for the best results.

Option Robot, different from most of the current trading robot sites, has quite significant information on how to customize the system and the various customizing options available like the trading system and indicators. Add that to the blog and FAQ section and you are sure not to miss out on any information you will need. This shows that the developers actually want you to benefit from the software and have made efforts to ensure that.

Option Robot trading software is free and completely web based, you only need a working internet connection to access, register or keep track of your trades. There are no known monthly or annual fees for using the software which needs no download and can be accessed through any phone or PC with internet. This is great news for us who would not pay a penny for software we know next to nothing about. The big let down here is that the system cannot be accessed offline as is the case with the latest software like Binary Option Robot.

Be assured that the brokers you will find on Option Robot, as mentioned elsewhere in this review, are top notch and the most used across all auto trading software. When trying to determine if a trading robot is reputable, we look at the caliber of the brokers they offer and we can truly say that Option Robot has passed this test.

The following facts about Option Robot will make you a little more cautious or may even put you off altogether, it’s your call really.

As much as we are intrigued by the amazing features and awesome signals, the bottom line is that Option Robot is relatively new to the market. The claims remain largely unsubstantiated which makes Option Robot rank a bit lower in our preference list, giving way to older and more proven trading software. However, looking at it from another angle, this is as much a blessing as it is a curse. For one, the lack of a proven, or unproven record raises curiosity and makes more people want to try it out, which is free anyway. Either way, a track record is important as not everyone will gamble with their money.

Perhaps the single most disappointing thing about Option Robot, with all its pros, is the fact that it trades only in currency pairs. This is surely going to turn away the majority of traders who prefer other types of assets like commodities, indices and stocks. We agree and commend the team behind Option Robot for specializing in a niche but this is not the area to try it for a new and growing firm. It has been proven time and time again that, all other factors observed, traders will most likely use the asset index of a broker or auto trading site as a basis for differentiation. Furthermore, international traders would be more interested if their local indices or stocks are available.

In what is a very bad business move, to sign up with Option Broker you will need to open a new account. That is, after signing up on the software, you will be required to select your preferred broker and open a completely new account to start trading. This means in simple language that if you have an account with one of the listed brokers, it will not work with the software as it will only accept broker accounts opened through its portal. On the flip side, new or experimenting traders will be fine with this. We can’t judge them, as it’s all a matter of personal preference but we speak for the majority.

Whether due to ignorance or omission, we just can’t quite understand why there is no information whatsoever given on the parent company or developers of Option Robot at the bottom of the page as is usually the case. This is sure to raise some eyebrows especially with the hawk-eyed and curious traders who have predilections for the nitty gritty. For starters, there are some questions that arise here. What do the developers have to hide? Most importantly who are the developers and what are their intentions? For now, those questions and many others remain unanswered, for how long only time will tell.

Opening an Account and Getting Started.

If after reading all that and weighing the pros and cons you decide to sign up with Option Robot, the process is as simple as just giving a few personal details – name, address (both physical and email) and that’s it. As a requirement, you must select the broker you want your trades to be linked to. You will be redirected to the broker’s sign up page where you will complete the registration and make the initial deposit, the minimum of which depends on the particular broker. However, as a guide, all the brokers will require a minimum of at least $250. These deposits can be made through bank wire transfer, credit or debit cards, or using various other available online payment systems like Skrill and MoneyBookers. For bank wire transfer, you are advised to check with your bank on the charges beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings.

After setup, to start the auto trading process, click on the ‘Auto Trade’ tab and the software will know what to do next. For a better experience, customize your trading options by going to ‘Settings’ and follow the prompts to select, change or remove indicators, set your investment amount per trade or select the trading system you want the system to follow when executing trades for you. With this, you are all set to go. Correction: the robot is all set to go for you! You can rest comfortably and check in after some time to collect your earnings.

It is rare to see software with this kind of freedom in customization and you have to give props to the (presently) anonymous brains behind Option Robot for the idea. For the traders, they will surely love the fact they have control over the software and not the other way around, as is the case with most of the backstreet and substandard robots in the market.

Possible setting for each option robot broker.

Reviewing Automated Trading Software.

Everyone loves little extra and the love multiplies when it comes to making extra money. The financial instrument trading provides a great opportunity to make that extra money and with the advent of Automated Trading Software, you can make that little extra even with little efforts. Currently, there are several automated trading software available which caters to a variety of assets trading including stocks, currencies, and the binaries.

In laymen’s terms, the automated software is nothing but a software algorithm that is able to trade on behalf of you with given set of settings. The automated software needs to be connected with the trading exchange or a trading platform to execute the trades. The right platform with an automated software executes trades on behalf of you which include identifying the underlying with a high probability of winning, placing an order, and closing the trade.

This automated trading software allows you to set specific rules and from thereon, they execute the trades according to the set parameters. The trading happens in a real-time and is often quicker than the manual trading, allowing you to have higher winning percentages. The designated software can be used for a variety of assets including stocks, indices, currency pairs, and commodities.

What To Look From an Automated Trading Software?

While signing up for an Automated Trading Software, you should look out for certain things and conduct a thorough research before you commit yourself with real money. Almost all the Automated Trading Software are available through the web browser and it does not require you to download the software. The Automated Trading Software should be compatible with your preferred broking partner otherwise; it will not make sense.

The professionally developed software are designed to give you ease of access and ease of trading to cater to beginners as well as the seasoned professionals. The software should be able to provide complete transaction control and it should operate on the specified parameters. The most important aspect of the research on the Automated Trading Software, is to go through online reviews and blogs related to binary trading which provides unbiased opinions on various software and brokers.

As the trading is carried out for making a revenue stream, you should look out for any hidden cost associated with the Automated Trading Software, its winning ratio, and its association with the well-regulated brokerage house. In order to support you in your research on various Automated Software, our website can be a very useful resource as we conduct reviews of brokers and software on regular basis as well as update them frequently with the latest update to provide you up to date information.

Spend sufficient time to research the most suitable Automated Software which best fits your requirements. Following table provides you a bird’s eye view on five Automated Trading Software which are topping the charts.

Automated Trading Software Review Table.

Option Robot Automated Software.


The Automated Binary.


O Real Robot.


Benefits of Using The Automated Binary Software.

Investment in the Automated Trading Software offers several distinct advantages over a manual trading. It not only shortens your learning curve; it also helps you to use the expertise of the professional traders to your benefits. The Automated Trading Software provides you to spend less time on trading and more time with your loved ones. The following text enlists some of the key benefits of the Automated Trading Software in the binary trading.

Allows you to automate your trading: The most prominent advantage of the automated trading software is that it literally allows you to earn profits while you vacationing with family. It is a well-known fact that trading can be a profitable business, but our busy lifestyle doesn’t give enough time to learn, evaluate and executes the trades. Trading requires an up to date information regarding the market, the underlying, and other factors to make it a profitable business. Even though the trading is considered as a profitable business venture, the shortage of time makes it even difficult to try.

With 5-minute settings on the automated software, helps you make trading as a revenue generating stream even without spending too much time on it. This is one of the prime advantages of using the automated trading software.

Make profit from the beginning: Newcomers are required to spend considerable time and energy into learning the technical and fundamental analysis in order to be a successful trader. The process of learning these aspects can take several years to master and this makes it even more difficult for the beginners to taste the profits. By investing in the Automated Trading Software, you can avoid this long and painful process. The automated trading software allows you to utilize the expertise of the seasoned professionals to your own advantage and make winning a habit right from the beginning. Emotion free trading: The trading requires lots of perseverance and practice to excel, however, the traders get carried away by hunches and own feelings. Traders tend to develop a strong feeling about a particular underlying if they have made profits on few trades in that specific underlying. This makes them trade that particular underlying again and again until they finally get trapped and make huge losses. So, a successful trader can only become successful if he is able to remove emotions from his trading.

The automated trading software once set, completely removes the emotion part out of the trading and consistently executes trades on several underlying. This way it helps to keep a safe distance with the emotions while trading.

Can trade without tiring: Trading is very exhaustive and also can be very tiring after a certain period. The binary options trading also takes a considerable amount of time of the trader, creating a work-life imbalance. The trading software also helps in this scenario, as it is inhuman to all-day trading and can provide you with a spare time to spend on your favorite activity. The robot doesn’t get fatigued from long working hours, and hence able to trade for long hours. Able to track several assets at once : The trader trading for one hour a day will lose several opportunities presented in the remaining 23 hours. An automated trading software working on behalf of you will be able to track several opportunities at once and will be able to make rational decision to place trades on the probable winning opportunities all day long.

Overall, the automated trading software takes the rules from the human brains and translate them in the algorithm which can consistently perform on a set of parameters without tiring and without carried away by the emotions. The automated trading software makes the life of a trader easier and more enjoyable.

Experiência comercial.

After completing the registration and set up process, it will be time to enter your first trade, with the help of the robot, of course. Being fully automated trading software, Option Robot receives the signals from the indicators and immediately uses them to enter a trade without any signal being sent to you. That is the reason they are called auto trading systems or robots. The minimum investment per single trade is set at $5 to make it easy.


In all honesty, despite a few hiccups here and there, you can’t argue with the fact that Option Robot is one of the best binary options robots in the market today, and it has the potential to do even better.

Get the automated option robot trading software for free by clicking on the button below and learn how you can make money while you sleep!

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Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.


I liked this review about Automated Trading software. You can come across several interesting features about Automated Trading software which might not be present with other binary options trading portals. There are several compatible and regulated brokers with Automated Trading software. As such, you can be convinced of the reliability of this trading portal. When you are dealing with licensed and compatible brokers, there are minimal chances of you losing any money. This is the reason I trust Automated Trading software. This trading portal also offers the chanced to open a free demo account such that you can be assured of its services.

If you are looking for some expert binary options trading portal, then Option Robot is the best automated binary options trading software out there. When you invest money into this trading portal, you do not have to worry about anything else. Option Robot has the presence of some of the most reliable brokers who make you relax as you do binary trading. Everything happens automatically. You will be able to generate higher profits through the compatible brokers present with Option Robot. I find it to be the best binary options trading portal. You must try it out if you are a beginner in binary trading.

Automated Trading software seemed like a good binary options trading portal to me. I think the individuals who are trading with Option Robot will find any other binary trading portal to be just average. This is because there is no competing Option Robot when it comes to earning higher profits on binary trading. Option Robot has some of the best signals that it offers to its traders. Moreover, the brokers present with Option Robot are also highly compatible. You can trust them completely for the success of your binary trading. Therefore, I completely trust Option Robot only!

Out of several binary options trading portals, one reliable portal that I have come across is the Automated Trading software. As you can read through this article, all the claims offered by this trading portal are highly genuine and reliable. Even the brokers present with Automated Trading software are highly regulated and licensed. The trading algorithms used on this system are also very accurate and thus, help in generating higher profits for the traders in real time. If you are looking for some good trading option, then you can try Automated Trading software!

I liked this review about Automated Trading software. It is one of the most reliable binary options trading portals available there. You can trust the licensed brokers that are present on Automated Trading software. Moreover, even the binary trading signals offered by Automated Trading software are highly profitable. You can also create a free demo account for yourself with Automated Trading software. This feature is highly useful especially if you are a beginner in binary options trading industry. I liked Automated Trading software and would suggest the traders to give this one a try.

Great review about Automated Trading software! I really liked Automated Trading software and would definitely consider investing in this one for my next binary trading. I have been investing in Mike’s Auto Trader until now and I have been doing fairly good in it. However, I always like trying out the new binary options trading portals to gain maximum profits out of the same. after reading this review about Automated Trading software, I think I will try this one for sure. The reviews are good and even there are several positive testimonials about it too. Great one!

Automated Binary trading software seems to be a good one! It offers great features right from highly reliable binary signals to flexible withdrawal methods. I think I will give this one a try. Though I am pretty much satisfied with the results produced from IQ Robot, I would still like to try out Automated Binary Trading software. I really like the fact that this trading software is offering highly compatible brokers to the traders. It is rare to find a reliable binary trading portal offering compatible and regulated brokers for binary trading. Therefore, I would also suggest other traders to try out Automated Binary Trading.

Automated Trading software is a highly reliable and legitimate binary options trading software. I had recently invested my money into this trading platform and I earned a good amount of $500 within a period of week itself. Moreover, I must appreciate their customer care unit as the customer care executives here are really supportive and responsive. Whenever I face any kind of problem, I contact their customer care team and I am always given the best possible guidance. I must say that all the traders out there must try out Automated Trading software for once in their trading career.

I had only been trusting Option Robot until now when it came to making investments in the binary options trading platform. But now, having read this detailed review about Automated Option Trading software, I think I can give this one also a try. Michael unveils all the ins & outs of this trading platform in this article. This is the best thing about his articles. He never hides any information and presents a well-research article to the readers. I will definitely try Automated Option Trading software this time.

Most of the beginners in the binary options trading are not able to achieve the desired success because they end up choosing the wrong portal for themselves. However, after reading this article, the readers will be able to make the right judgment. This way, they can ensure their success in the binary options trading portal as they will never have to invest in any binary options trading scam. A great article to read for all the desirous investors out there!

I have heard about several online binary options trading platforms. I was always looking for the one that asked for minimal investment and was able to deliver the best profits to its investors. When I read this detailed review about the Automated Option Trading software, I liked it and its unique features. However, I still trust Option Robot as my reliable binary options trading platform. I have been investing in this reliable and legit binary options trading platform since a long time and I have never suffered any substantial loss. In fact, I have earned great profits only. Still, great article!

Michael, you have done a great job by letting the readers know about the automated option trading platform. There are several naïve traders who do not know about the in & out of the system and thus, end up losing a major portion of their investment. By making them aware of the reliability and effectiveness of the automated option trading portal, this article can help them earn greater profits upon their investment. Really informative article!

If the investors are looking forward to investing their money in some reliable automated binary trading system, then Option Robot is the best one for them. Even I tried using this binary trading portal and have to the conclusion that this is one of the best binary trading platforms out there. If you are a beginner and do not know anything about binary trading, then Option Robot can help you in several ways by giving you the best trading solutions that can make you earn the desired profits.

I was using OneTwoTrade until now for investing and trading in the binary options trading platform. However, I could not achieve the desirable success at it. Now, I think it is a big scam and only offers fake claims & assurances. As such, now I think of using Option Robot to invest my money and do binary trading. Michael has really solved my major problem by writing down this article which explains the benefits of investing in this automated binary trading platform. Obrigado!

After trying out several binary options trading platforms and yet not succeeding in any one of them, I finally came across this detailed review of the automated option trading platform. Now, I have gained confidence again into the whole concept of Option Robot and the benefits of investing in this automated trading portal. Michael has done a really great job as this article is going to help out several individuals out there who wish to make it big in the binary options trading industry.

I am new to binary options trading and was highly skeptical about where to invest my money. But now, after having read your article on the automated option trading system review, its working and the potential benefits of the same, I am completely sorted out. I think Option Robot is indeed one of the best binary options trading platforms there and therefore, I will be investing my money into this platform only. Thanks Michael.

Michael, you have done a great job by letting the readers know about the automated option trading platform. There are several naïve traders who do not know about the in & out of the system and thus, end up losing a major portion of their investment. By making them aware of the reliability and effectiveness of the automated option trading portal, this article can help them earn greater profits upon their investment. Really informative article!

If the investors are looking forward to investing their money in some reliable automated binary trading system, then Option Robot is the best one for them from the automated softwares. Even I tried using this binary trading portal and have to the conclusion that this is one of the best binary trading platforms out there. If you are a beginner and do not know anything about binary trading, then Option Robot can help you in several ways by giving you the best trading solutions that can make you earn the desired profits. Excellent articles!

Really good stuff, thank you very much binaryoptionrobotinfo, i have made good amount of money, will post results later when i have more data.

Greetings from Russia.

The best binary options software for sure! I tried 11 other binary robots before the option robot and lose with all of these scams. the option robot is only 110% honest and profitable one on the market.

IQ Option Review | IQ Option é Scam?

Is IQ Option a SCAM or Not? 100% Honest Review Pro Trader Reveals The Truth! Read This First and Start Trading NOW! BEST Tips!

IQ Option & # 8211; Plataforma de negociação.

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

In this review, I go through the following facts:

YouTube Video: An introduction video for new traders.

Opção IQ.

Testimonials and Success Stories: Real users share their experiences.

Trading: How and what to trade with IQ Option.

App: How to use and get the most out of the app. IQ Option Is It a Scam?: My full fraud investigation report and results. IQ Option Auto Trader: Can you use the binary option robot auto trader with this broker site. IQ Option US traders: This broker site does not currently accept US traders. I will tell you why and what your options are if you reside in the United States. Conclusion: Including the overall rating.

How to trade on IQ Option.


$10 Minimum deposit: This is the minimum deposit to start binary options trading. You do not have to make a big investment. $1 Minimum trades: Again, you do not have to be a millionaire to be able to gain money by trading stocks or currencies; you can start with small amounts and climb up the ladder at your own pace.

Web-based interactive education system Over 500 assets to trade Totally FREE demo account: If you want to start even more carefully, you can first trade with a demo account.

Claim these outstanding offers and start trading with IQ Option by filling in the form below.

Important Information in a Nutshell.

Regulation: CySEC Legal Entities: IQ Option consists of two legal entities: IQ Option Europe Ltd. is registered at Cyprus and is regulated by CySEC, and IQ Option Ltd. which is registered at Seychelles, this entity is not regulated. Minimum deposit: $10 Minimum exercise price: $1 Maximum option price: $5,000 Yield: Upto 92% in case of correct prediction Deposit/withdrawal methods: Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort Assets: Currency pairs, stocks, indices and commodities Number of assets: 500+ Countries: We accept all countries except USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Japan, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Sudan, North Korea and Iran. Users from following countries can not trade from the iOS mobile application: Malta; Android application unavailable for: Malta, Myanmar, Liechtenstein, Cuba. Demo account: Yes, free of charge, no time limit Mobile application: Android, iOS Trading platform: Web-browser and standalone app Support: 24/7 Support languages: English, Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, French, Italian, Arabic, Hindi Founded: 2018 Withdrawal: 1 working day.

IQ Option & # 8211; how to use.

There are currently hundreds of binary options brokers, with new ones appearing on the market almost daily. This is great for customers. As companies try to compete against each other, there is an almost endless number of choices with special features.

One thing that many brokers have been overlooking is existing customers; the goal has only been to get new customers, which has led many customers, after making their first deposit, to go to other broker sites or to stop investing in binary options completely.

But this is where IQ Option is completely different to its competitors. A perfect example of this is a $10 minimum deposit and a $1 minimum investment, which shows that they are openly welcoming those investors who want to start cautiously or who cannot afford to invest larger amounts of money.

IQ Option currently has 77 different trading assets available. Esses incluem:

Estoques. Shares of over 50 major companies . such as Gazprom , Daimler , Barclays , Apple and Rosneft . Índices. Most traded indices including FTSE 100 , DAX , Nikkei-225 , CAC 40 , Dow Jones and S&P 500 . Commodities . Gold and silver . Currency pairs . All the most commonly traded currency pairs including EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/CAD, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF and many others. Bitcoin : This option is only available on a few binary options broker sites.

New IQ Option platform v4.0.

Tipos de conta.

There are three different types of accounts available to you, including two account types that are for real money trading:

Practice trading for free Does not use real money.

All 500+ trading assets available Start with as little as a $10 minimum deposit You can participate in trading competitions Full access to trading opportunities Fast withdrawals (within 3 days)

( You will get access to VIP if you deposit more than $3,000)

All 500+ trading assets available Full access to trading opportunities You can participate in trading competitions Personal manager.

I personally recommend starting with a VIP account from the beginning.

What Does This Mean To You?

You can choose from a wide variety of deposit options. The current deposit methods are Credit Card, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort: “or you can use the following methods: Skrill, bank wire transfer, WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money, PayPal, LiqPay, and Moneta”

Trading Amounts.

The minimum investment of $1 per trade is the lowest in the industry. This makes it possible to start investing, with real money. As the minimum investment is so low, I recommend opening a real money account from the beginning.

The maximum investment of $5,000 per trade is sufficient even for “high-roller” investors who are willing to take big risks in order to obtain high yields. For example, by setting a number of $5,000 trades in a row, you can raise the stakes as high as you want.

Plataforma de negociação.

IQ Option uses its own trading platform, a fresh change from the SpotOption platform which is used by almost all the major broker sites, including Banc de Binary, and GOptions . Unlike some competitor sites, the possibility of inadvertently setting the wrong investment is not possible. The platform has many unique features, which are specially designed to make it simple and easy to use.

In order to test the platform with a beginner, we asked our secretary if she could master the platform. Our secretary does not have any previous experience with binary options. We gave her 15 minutes to learn, after which we came back to check the situation.

When we came back, she told us that 15 minutes was more than sufficient. She was very familiar with all the main features after a couple of minutes. She also told us that she had never been interested in investing; though, after the experiment, she decided to start actively learning about investing with IQ option. In conclusion, there is no better way to start.

The trading platform includes the following unique features:

Real-time asset price movements: You can follow price changes of desired trading assets through real-time charts. Technical analysis panel: You will find various analysis tools on the technical analysis panel. I will tell you more about these in the trading pattern section of this article. Possibility to use a variety of charts: In addition to the more commonly used tick charts, you can also use candlestick charts. Trader’s choice indicator: Here you can directly see which investment alternative (“put” or “call”) is more popular, as well as the percentage of investors that have chosen each alternative. Top trader’s stats and best deals: You can quickly and easily see how much the best investors made profit and how; Relevant financial news: You no longer need to look through all the news from various sites, you can see it directly through the trading platform.

Tipos de opções.

The investor can have the option expire in 60 seconds, or more cautiously select an expiration time, such as 30 minutes or even 24 hours. However, they are also much risky than longer maturity options. Profits can be huge, but losses are also frequent.

IQ Option & # 8211; The fastest trading tool.

Binary Options Tournaments.

IQ option offers binary options tournaments*. I have never seen these on any other broker site, so I tried them with great interest. At the beginning, all traders get a tournament balance of $10,000 for their use during the tournament. Winners are determined by their tournament balances at the end, participants with the highest balance win the first place prize etc.

Some tournaments have a guaranteed prize fund, which means that, if participation fees do not cover the whole prize pool, the broker will pay the rest. Some tournaments also have rebuy possibilities, meaning that, if you lose your whole tournament balance, you can rebuy yourself back into the tournament, for the same entry fee and you get a tournament balance of $10,000 again. Tournaments usually last for 30 minutes. By participating in a tournament, you can profit 100 times (sometimes even more) the entry fee.

*Tournaments are subject to Terms and Conditions.

Tournament trading pattern:

The average level of the participants in these tournaments is astoundingly bad. With a good trading pattern, these truly are an good way to gain money. Instructions to follow:

Always aim to win: The first-place finisher always gets by far the biggest prize. It is therefore not worth aiming for eighth or ninth place, even if these allow you to collect a cash prize. Even if you just have a small chance, try to get into first-place, it is usually worth the risk. It is fine to spend the first few minutes observing the strategies the other participants are using: Watch whether other participants are trying to grow their tournament funds aggressively right from the start or taking a more cautious approach. You can then tailor your own trading pattern accordingly. However, make sure that the leaders do not get too far ahead of you, or it may become hard for you to catch them later on. In the middle of the tournament, you should have a clear picture of what the other participants are doing and what kind of trading pattern you should use: Now, it is time to optimize your trading pattern according to your objectives. If you are the clear leader, do not let others get too close. If you are close to the leader, try to keep them close, so that you can strike before the tournament ends. Also, observe what kind of strategies the tournament leaders are using. If they are too cautious, this will be your chance to take the whole pot, strike more aggressively and try to get into the lead. If the end of the tournament is getting closer, and you are not close to the top, it is time to take some big risks: You have nothing to lose, so it will be a good moment to reach the money by taking big risks. Victory may not be close, but don’t be discouraged. As long as you have money, you have a chance. Analyze your trading pattern afterwards and think of ways you can win more in the future: There is always room for improvement, even if you won. Spend a few minutes analyzing your trading pattern after the tournament is over, it might be extremely beneficial next time.

Trading pattern.

Investors have free access to a large number of different technical analysis tools and resources. You can even use these directly through the trading platform. You can easily see the moving trends of trading, and through the technical analysis panel it is almost effortless to make investment decisions based on completed analysis. You do not need any previous expertise to do this.

There is an almost endless quantity of free educational materials for you to use, such as free webinars, ebooks, instructional videos and tutorials. With the help of these extensive materials, you can easily develop your skills and become a much better investor. Below are three examples of tutorial videos that are available for investors.

Trading Patterns for IQ Option Broker.

Before we get to the actual strategies, you need to understand the system that they work with.

Japanese Candlesticks:

These are bars in charts depicting the price movements of an asset. They represent the opening and closing of a price range. If the price moves up it will be represented by a green candle. If the price moves down, it will be represented by a red candle.

Trend Lines:

These are lines in the chart which represent price movements and show the corridor within which the price range of the asset is likely to fluctuate. The support lines on the lower side of the chart represent the level from which prices tend to bounce upwards. The resistance level refers to the trend line at the upper side of the chart and it represents the level from which prices tend to bounce downwards. The area between the two trend lines is the trending corridor.

Candlesticks, trend lines and the trending corridor are some of the most popular and effective tools in binary options signal generation.

The Main Patterns.

1. The Rebound Line Trading Pattern.

The aim of this trading pattern is to catch the movement of an asset at the very moment when the price cannot break through the support of the resistance levels. In this trading pattern, when the price reaches the resistance level and the candle closes before this level, the possibility of a rebound is greater than the possibility of a growth. Here, you are better off buying a “put” option.

With the same trading pattern, if the price reaches the support line and the candle closes just above this level, you are better buying a “call” option. This trading pattern is relevant whether the trend is neutral, upward or downward.

2. The Three Black Crows Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern defines the downward reversal on the uptrend. Look out for an uptrend with several ascending candles in a row. Wait for the reversal of three descending candles in a row. Closing at the third candle is a signal of an uptrend turning into a downtrend.

At the same time, when there are three descending candles in a row, and the price closes at the end of the third, this will be a signal of a downtrend turning to an uptrend. These signals are what you will use to make your trades.

3. Piercing Line Candlestick Pattern.

Here you study the candlesticks carefully and look out for a trend in the price movements. What you will be on the lookout for is the precise moment where you will notice a reversal of a downtrend. Find two candles on the chart one of which closes the price in the middle of the previous one. Wait for the second ascending candle. When a third ascending candle appears it will be a signal of a trend reversal.

This will happen both ways. Look out for another set of two candles and see if one closes in the middle of the one before it. You will look at the second candle while waiting for the third descending candle..This will be the signal of another trend reversal this time on the opposite side of the chart. You can then execute the trade in line with the signal and you can expect a winning conclusion.

4. The Rainbow Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern is a little more technical than the strategies above. Here, three exponential averages with different periods are used simultaneously. On the chart, you will mark the first line with a period of 6 in blue. The second line with a period of 14 will be marked in yellow while the third line with a period of 26 will be marked with red.

For strong signals of an imminent drop in an asset’s price, the following points with the moving average will be noted.

The blue line will be at the top The yellow line will be in the middle The red line will be at the bottom.

The intersection of the blue line with the yellow line will be the signal to enter the market and buy a “put” option.

For strong signals of an imminent rise in an asset’s price, the following points will be noted.

The red line will be at the top The yellow line will be in the middle The blue line will be at the bottom.

The intersection of the yellow line with the blue line is a strong signal to enter the market and buy a “call” option.

5. Moving Averages Trading Pattern.

This is one of the most popular strategies and it is used extensively in binary options trading where IQ Option is in play. It is used to full effect, profit wise by both experienced and rookie traders. You will use the available technical analysis tools to construct the moving averages indicator.

The period indicates the number of candlesticks selected for the calculation of the moving averages. With this trading pattern employed by IQ Option’s clients, there are four types of moving averages. The difference comes with the method of calculation. The different moving averages are: simple, exponential, weightage and smooth.

Most of IQ Option’s clients are in agreement that the simple and exponential moving averages are the simplest to calculate and use to help generate signals. They are also the most accurate of the four. In most cases, the last two are used by professionals in highly specialized strategies.

The simple and the exponential moving averages are relevant with many trading strategies including following the corridor using the rebound line and the breaking line. They are also used in advanced strategies where construction of several moving averages is simultaneously carried out.

6. The Pin Bar Trading Pattern.

This is another of the more technical strategies that you can use with IQ Option. It will be used to predict a downward or upward trend with the price of an asset. What are studied here are pin bar candles with tails or spots.

If a pin bar candle has a small body and a long tail, directed upward or downward, there is an imminent shift in the price of the asset depending on the prevailing market conditions. If the tail of the pin bar points upwards, the price of the asset is predicted to move downwards. You will need to predict accordingly in that instant.

When the tail of the pin bar points downwards the price of the asset is predicted to go up. This is another signal and you will trade accordingly. A good pin bar with a tail is an indication that you should enter the market. What you need to be careful about is the direction that the tail is facing as this will be indicative of the prevailing market conditions.

Not all pin bars with tails are good. A good pin bar has to satisfy the following conditions:

The open and close levels are placed next to the end of one of the previous bars. This must be near the top or bottom. The pin bars open and close levels are placed within the left bars also known as the left eye. If all the parameters are to the right, it means that the signal is strong enough to enter the market.

7. The Breaking Line Trading Pattern.

This IQ Option trading pattern aims to catch the exact moment that a candlestick breaches either the support line or the resistance line. When the candle closes above the resistance line, it is better to buy a “call” option. This is because the chances of the price of the asset rising increases dramatically.

When the candle closes below the support line, the chances of the price falling increases at a very high rate. At this point in the chart, you will buy a “put” option as it is the most favorable. This trading trading pattern is suitable for neutral, upward and downward trends.

8. Alligator Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern is rather simple in its application mechanisms. Here, three smooth moving averages are monitored as they move along the chart. They will be displaying different moves and their respective time periods. What is important to note is that with this trading pattern, the moving averages must be of the smooth kind.

This implies that the simple and the exponential moving averages will not work with this trading pattern, at least not with the IQ Option system. This is because the smooth moving averages have very little impact on ripples in the market or fluctuations with very little significance. These moving average lines show the most likely price that the asset will have in the near future if the market is not under any undue influence from unexpected factors either within the asset’s market itself or in the wider global financial markets.

The smooth average lines of the candlesticks are looked at like they are alligator teeth. When the candles open upwards, it is the appropriate time for you to make a trade. This is a signal to execute a “call” option immediately.

When the candlesticks open downwards, it is a signal that the appropriate trade to execute is a “put” option.

When the indicators are twisted like a helix or intertwined in any way, it means the alligator is asleep; this is not the appropriate time to make any trades. Trading at this point may be tempting but the chances of losing your stake here is very high because the next possible move in very unpredictable.

In between the “call” and “put” trades, the indicators will twist again and you should rest your trading for a while.

9. The Bollinger Bands Trading Pattern.

Here, the trading pattern is applied with the price chart carrying three lines. These lines are not equal in thickness. Rather, their width will change according to the movements in the market. When an asset’s marketplace is calm, the bands will narrow. When activity resumes, the bands will widen. The rate at which they widen will depend on the intensity of the trading. Should you notice a rapid widening of the bands, you can be sure that there has been a sudden increase in the intensity of trading for that particular asset.

The band at the center represents a smooth moving average which will be carrying something like 20 bars/candles.

Trading binary options is a profitable venture. What you need is the right broker to handle your investment and to guide you to profitability. IQ Option is one of the leading brokers in the binary options marketplace. This can be seen from the deep understanding that they have of the binary options marketplace and the movements of asset prices. As evidenced by the sophistication of the trading strategies, it is how you interpret the price movements that determines the nature of the signals that you get.

Other IQ Option Trading Pattern Videos.

Local Levels Trading.

Como trocar opções binárias.

How to set up trading windows on IQ Option.

How to use multicharts on IQ Option.

Classic Option. New Product By IQ Option!

What is option. Basic terms. Como funciona.

How to trade Classic Options with IQ Option.

The Strangle trading trading pattern.

How to sell options before the expiration time.

IQ Option App.

The IQ Option mobile app is one of the best that I have ever used. And, I am not the only one who thinks this. At this moment, it is the #1 trading app in 45 countries. One of the most important reasons for its success is the great functional features, which make trading possible anytime and from anywhere. The most important buttons are not too close to each other, so even those with big fingers, like me, will not make incorrect clicks.

The app is basically the normal trading platform in a smaller size, so if you only want to trade with your mobile phone, you can; and you will not miss out on any of the key features. Trading “on the go” is becoming more popular every day, so with this excellent mobile platform, IQ Option definitely has a distinct advantage over most of its competitors. The app can be downloaded from Google Play or App Store or click on the button below to download the IQ Option mobile app now:

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

IQ Option: Is It a Scam?

I have done a full fraud investigation and the outcome is clear: IQ Option is not a fraudulent broker. The following facts prove this without a doubt:

It has the best website and the most versatile trading platform in the industry: These cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make. Scammers would not have these kinds of resources at their disposal. It has operated for several years without any negative comments: Scammers can never fully escape negative comments; a great reputation is a good indicator that the broker is truly honest. It has the lowest minimum deposit in the industry: Scammers usually have one simple goal: to get as much money as soon as possible. There is always a risk that the scam is revealed, after which getting money is extremely difficult. Completely free demo accounts: If you intend to scam, why would you give anything for free? Especially if that would increase the risk of being exposed. Extensive free educational material: If you intend to scam someone, it does not make sense to make it harder by teaching your victims. Fast withdrawals and versatile withdrawal methods: Scammers always try to get money from their victims by any means possible. Therefore, it is obvious that they would not give victims their money back. Awards and distinctions: Scammers do not win prizes from impartial organizations. More about these awards is provided below.

IQ Option & # 8211; Very Special Broker.

IQ Option has received several awards and recognition from multiple sources. This is more proof that they are excellent and honest in their business. The most popular of these awards are the “ Most Reliable Binary Option Broker ” award and the “ Most Innovative Binary Option Broker ” award. The judges were the most esteemed and experienced people in the area of investment, from all-around the world. IQ Option competed against other popular broker sites, such as CTOption, Option FM, CherryTrade and Master Option.


I must admit that I am extremely impressed with how professionally IQ Option has dealt with every single detail of their site. They have really raised the bar to a completely new level. At this moment, it is difficult to even imagine that any other broker site would get even close to them as a whole. For this reason, IQ Option is my absolute number one recommendation for every binary options investor. This broker site is truly top-notch in every feature that can be measured.

Overall rating of 4.9 out of 5.0.

Register now by clicking on the button below and to trade with the best!

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Confira estes artigos mais votados!

Páginas internacionais.

Los Mejores Robots de Opções Binarias (Español) Roboter für Binäre Optionen (Deutsch) Meilleurs Robots sur Options Binaires (Français) I Migliori Robot por Opzioni Binarie (Italiano) Melhores Robôs de Opções Binárias (Português do Brasil)

Updated on 25-04-2017.

Autor: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.

Opção de opção binária recomendada Auto Traders.

Robô de Opção.

Obtenha o melhor robô de opção binária - Option Robot - gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo. Nossa oferta exclusiva: conta demo gratuita! Veja o quão lucrativo o Robot da Opção antes de investir com dinheiro real!

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Binário automatizado.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno médio: cerca de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Aceitamos sites de corretores compatíveis: 11 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

O Real Robot.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno média: pouco mais de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: 12 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Coloque seus negócios para copiar os melhores comerciantes do mundo e ganhe dinheiro sem fazer muito trabalho. Software inovador, que você pode obter livremente clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: Depende do comerciante que você escolhe copiar Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: Preço de Anyoption: Gratuito.

Mike's Auto Trader.

Um dos melhores comerciantes de automóveis, que você pode obter gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: bem acima de 70% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: muitos sites de corretores respeitáveis ​​Preço: Gratuito.


Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.


Olá a todos! I have been investing in IQ Option since a long time and I found it to be really good. I have never suffered any major loss in this binary options trading platform. Moreover, the brokers present with this trading portal are highly reliable and legitimate. Therefore, I do not even have to worry a peck about my money while investing in this portal. IQ Option is a great binary trading system that offers only genuine services to the traders. I am completely satisfied by its results!

I read this review of yours about IQ Option! I really liked this one! I like the way you have presented each & every fact about IQ Option in a detailed manner. However, I would like to ask something. Which one is better: IQ Option or Option Robot? I am literally confused about these two. Both of these are highly reliable and legitimate systems. Even the profits offered are really high. So can you please help me decide? I would like to make investment in any one of them. Por favor, me ajude.

I have always trusted Option Robot as my best binary options trading partner. However, after reading this review about IQ Option, I think even this one is really good. There are various positive reviews and testimonials about IQ Option. It is a great binary options trading platform that offers the ease of using the free demo account to test the online system. As such, if you are trading for the first time, then you can trade with IQ Option with much ease. There is no need to worry about losing any of money through this portal.

I really liked this review about IQ Option. I had read about IQ Option somewhere before. However, I did not take it that seriously. As there are so many fraudulent binary options trading systems out there, it becomes really difficult to rely on any binary trading portal. However, this review is sufficient to clear all the doubts regarding the reliability of IQ Option. The traders can understand that this is a highly reliable system and is able to generate higher profits upon the investment of the traders. Great one!

IQ Option is a great binary options trading platform. However, there is a certain deposit amount if you wish to start trading in the same. As such, I would like to know about some binary options trading platform that asks no deposit amount to start the binary trading. I have lost my money several times through the deposit amount only. Therefore, I do not want to take any other risk. Please let me know of any such binary options trading platform. It would really helpful. I do not wish to get into any fraudulent trading scheme again.

This is a reliable binary options trading platform. IQ Option is one of those binary options trading platforms in which you can place your trust entirely. I was myself looking for any such platform which is completely legitimate and does not offer fraudulent claims to the traders. It is really difficult to find reliable and trustworthy binary options trading portals in this industry. As such, if you are starting out in the binary options trading industry, then you must search only for the reliable ones. You can try out IQ Option as a great option!

IQ Option is a great binary options trading platform. If you are looking for some reliable and safe binary options trading portal, then this one is the perfect option for you. With a minimum deposit value of just $10, you can simply test the system as well in case you are unsure about its trading success. Moreover, you also get to create a free demo account with IQ Option. This is a great option for the first-time traders who are skeptical about investing any amount of money with new binary trading platform. I like IQ Option!

Hi Michael, I read your review about IQ Option binary options trading portal. Eu realmente gostei. I have recently started trading with Option Robot. I find that IQ Option is also a great one that offers a myriad of reliable offers & claims to its traders. So, now I am confused between the two. I wish to maximize my profits. So I wish to know which one amongst these two is the best? Please let me know as I will start investing in the same. Obrigado!

Until now, Option Robot was the only one binary options trading platform that I used to trust completely. However, now that I have read this review about IQ Option, I think I can give this binary options trading platform a try as well. Michael has unveiled all the aspects of the IQ Option trading portal by writing about the good and the bad things as well. As such, I can trust his review entirely and can thus, consider investing my money in IQ Option Robot this time.

Though IQ Option might be a great platform for several investors out there, still I consider Option Robot as the best one. I have been investing in Option Robot since a long time and it has never let me down. I have always been able to succeed in trading upon my investments. I should stick to Option Robot as of now. Anyways, great job for writing such good reviews every time!

I have always trusted IQ Option binary options trading software since the time I have started trading in the binary options trading industry. In addition to the IQ Option software, I also trust Option Robot as one of my friends has been making substantial profits in that platform as well. If you are starting out new, then you can definitely consider investing in any of these two platforms. You have done an impeccable job by writing such detailed and in-depth reviews about different binary options trading portals. Keep doing the great job! I like your articles!

Hi, good day to all! I was reading some of the reviews posted here by Michael. In comparison to the earlier times, I think now I have developed quite a good amount of interest in the binary options trading industry. Michael always writes the reviews by putting each & every point into attention to detail. As such, this serves a great purpose to the beginners in the binary trading for example with IQ Option.

IQ Option is a great automated binary trading software that claims only what it offers. Good job by portraying the main points of IQ Option software. It is a highly reliable and legit trading software and can be tried by those who are thinking of making the investment for the first time.

For a naïve investor like me, Michael is like a rescuer who offers great help through the detailed reviews of different binary options trading platforms through his articles. I have been following him thoroughly and find his blogs to be very helpful. Thank You Michael for always enlightening me with the best such that I can embark on the binary trading journey successfully.

Before losing out several times on the binary options trading platform, I have come across IQ Option trading software. I have realized that this is one good choice that I have made in my life as it has until now proved to be highly successful to me in terms of binary trading. I also read the detailed review about IQ Option here. Now, I have gained more confidence in it and will continue investing in the same.

I was using OneTwoTrade and realized that it is a big time scam. They were reflecting some amount in my account, but in the end, I was not able to withdraw the same. I had lost all the confidence and trust upon the binary options trading industry from then onwards. However, after reading the detailed IQ Option review, I have gained some faith back in it. I will give it a try to try my luck at binary options trading industry.

I lost few hundred euros to binary when I was learning but now it’s easy as walking in a beach. worst you can do is to be afraid to learn and trade. Then you can never win. IQ option seems to be trusted broker for long time so I’m keeping my trading with them. Good service if you have something to ask. What kind of experiences other readers have about these brokers?

I gotta say that few other brokers were not so good at helping, advising or educating to binary option world, but IQ Option actually is amazing. They have been helpful and nice all the way eventhough I was beginner a year ago. with their help I managed to do almost 40k with small trades day by day but doing it for a year it has accumulated in to a bigger revenue stream in total. I would recommend IQ option to everyone who is interested online trading. Possibilities are limitless and their service is always good.

You are welcome DTX111, hopefully your good streak continues, keep us updated!

IQ option is very good broker, made 15k€ laready in three weeks!! thank you for writing this binaryoptionrobotinfo and michale allen.

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